Living in this new city, the GPS guides me everywhere with absolute conviction. At the roundabout, take the third exit. In one thousand feet, turn left. And then the thrilling, You have arrived at your destination. I change the voice to an Indian inflection that I find agreeable. Slowly, I learn to make my way without her promptings. The topography unfolds, the body develops a felt sense of the place, I acquire favorite trees, note a good bend in the road, a bush artfully sculpted by a zealous gardener. There is water everywhere, shimmering.
She knows where I am,
but not that I need to go
beyond here and there.
Planted row of trees
Wears brightly windblown plumage hats.
Oak platoon, at ease!
Red leaf flutters down
Caught by the gust, it scatters.
Nothing, going nowhere.
A professional editor for over thirty years, Ed works in a variety of genres. His projects have received publishing and professional awards.